Thursday, April 14, 2005

The beauty of implied odds: The thoughts of a fish.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

--Albert Einstein
This is a reproduction of a post to the newsgroup by Nick Wool. I thought it fit nicely with my post from yesterday.
This really happened at my table in VC poker, 3/6 NL cash game today. This is what the hero would have probably posted after the hand, if he posts at all.

UTG with a stack of 600 raises to 30, folds to me at button. I had 550 and held J2 spades. my hand had so many possiblities; quads, a flush, straights, 2 pairs, trips and two pairs, and with such a strong drawing hand, I can bust him if I hit. I flat called him, not wishing to scare the fish away because I wanted to suck him into the pot with my strong drawing hand, which gave me great implied odds.

Flop was Ts 2h 6c. I now have the possiblity of a runner runner quads, a runner runner boat, runner runner flush, as well as the possibility of two pairs or trips with the next card. Time to make a move. UTG checked to me, I bet 70, UTG reraise to 250. Gotta, you fish! Now I have him exactly where I want him.

I pushed all my chips to the middle. He called without hesitation and flips over AA (in VC, the cards are turned over in all ins, even in cash games). Turn was a 3 c, and river 2 h. I busted the fish with my J2 suited.

What a fish, how could he push with AA on a blank flop? I had so many outs, and for all he know, might have had hot a set! The fish was whining about my play, as fish usallu do after they lost a pot, but has he not heard of implied odds?

I kept quiet because I did not want to wise up the fish. The moral of the story? Call with any two cards, the implied odds are masssive.

BTW, the hero also busted another player with KK later in an all in preflop hand. The hero was UTG+3, raised to 30, LP and cutoff calls, KK at button reraised to 450 all in, heros calls without thinking, LP and cutoff folds. Hero flips over T8 suited. The flop? 679....

When asked why he called, hero replies 'I had strong straight and flush possiblities, and anyway, he might be have been bluffing.'

And to think with players like these playing for these stakes,. I am still down for the month.

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